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Visions Technology in Education
Product ID: 1303221 | Mfg Part #: 00949
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A step-by-step guide through the essential principles for creating exciting digital artwork, Web pages, curricular presentations, and animations.

Take the next step beyond the beginner level.

This step-by-step guide opens a new window to your imagination and furthers your journey into the world of vector-based graphics for the Web.

Further your journey into the world of animated vector-based graphics!

Learn Flash CS4 – The Next Step continues the extraordinary journey that Learn Adobe Flash CS4 – Beginner's Guide started. This book is intended, as its title implies, to take the next step beyond the beginner level. Create exciting digital artwork, Web pages, curricular presentations, and animations that capture the attention of your students and the World-Wide audience. Open a new window to your imagination and new doors to your curriculum and World Wide Web design. By utilizing the skills learned in Learn Flash CS4 - The Next Step you'll be ready to add more instructional and curricular meaning to your daily lessons and presentations that you create. This guide will give you ready-made samples to use in your teaching or modify our plans to any curricular topic you teach.

Features and benefits:

  • Macintosh or Windows

  • Continue developing skills a step beyond the beginner level

  • Written by an instructional technology and classroom educator for teachers and students

  • Intuitive drawing tools

  • Adobe Captivate animated tutorials – Look, Listen, and Learn included on CD

  • Editable Flash document files for each lesson included on CD

  • Save movie as: .swf, .avi, .mov and more

  • Save image as: .swf, .jpg, .gif, .png, .ai and more

  • Utilize ActionScript to navigate to a specific frame of a movie and to load a movie into another movie


  • Web animations

  • Dazzling Web pages

  • Classroom lessons

  • Customizable, animated artwork for your Web pages

  • Static images that can be inserted in another application

  • Classroom lesson presentations that can also be delivered over the Internet

  • Flash project collaborations

Topics include:

  • A “Mask” layer can produce a visually appealing effect or help reveal content to the audience

  • The button symbol can be used as a navigation tool and to reveal information to the audience

  • Define a path for a Motion Tween with a Motion Guide

  • The Movie Clip Heart lesson is good example of two Movie Clips sharing the Stage at once. “Screens” allow you to easily make a presentation and deliver it over the World Wide Web.

  • The Guide layer allows you to place text on the Stage that won't show on the final movie. The Movie Explorer gives a snapshot of the entire Flash document.

  • Create independent Flash movies, then pull them together with ActionScript in a “Modular” Flash project

  • Import the Flash movie into Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, and SMART Notebook

Does not include Flash CS4 software.

System requirements for Flash CS4

Windows: • Intel® Pentium® 4, Intel Centrino®, Intel Xeon®, or Intel Core™ Duo (or compatible) processor • Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista™ Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit editions) • 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended) • 2.5GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation) • 1,024x768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video card • DVD-ROM drive • QuickTime 7.1.2 software required for multimedia features

Macintosh: • 1GHz PowerPC® G4 or G5 or multicore Intel® processor • Mac OS X v10.4.8–10.5 (Leopard) • 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended) • 2.5GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation) • 1,024x768 monitor resolution with 16-bit video card • DVD-ROM drive • QuickTime 7.1.2 software required for multimedia features