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Visions Technology in Education
Product ID: 736887 | Mfg Part #: 91270
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50 Quick and Easy Reading and Writing Computer Activities is designed to equip teachers with an array of technology tools that can promote the development of reading, writing, and critical thinking. Using these tools, educators can transform reading and writing from static, print-based exercises into multi-sensory, interactive experiences. Grades K-12.

Cool Web Tools:
Provides a web page of links and takes participants on a quick tour of some of the powerful, interactive websites available for language arts.

Teacher Tools and Tips:
Teachers gain practical ideas for using the computer for teaching reading and writing mini-lessons, charting student progress, and printing scoring sheets onto sticky notes.

Reading Activities:
Participants learn how to use Inspiration (story maps and character analysis) and Microsoft Office (reading response journals and book review alternatives) to support reading skills. Student examples will be shared.

Writing Activities:
Learn dozens of clever student-publishing ideas that incorporate word processing, desktop publishing, and multimedia projects (time capsules, brochures, posters, and circular stories).


Each activity specifies:

  • Grade Level
  • Appropriate Software
  • Materials/Equipment Need
  • Web Resources
  • Teacher's Role
  • Student Instructions