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Digital Marketing Online Course

Learn to acquire clients for less, and generate more sales, all in one month.

Over the course of 10 one-hour modules spanning four weeks, students of all levels, just like you, will learn about the rewarding sector of digital marketing, with the help and support of industry leading experts, lecturers and tutors throughout.

This course is aimed at those who wish to advance their career, or indeed start a new one, by out pacing the competition and growing themselves, their business and their sales.

To teach ambitious students about acquiring clients for less, converting greater numbers of leads into profitable customers, and increasing market share in a highly competitive, exponentially growing and lucrative, online market place.

Your purchase now also includes a Free Starter Pack tailored to your course when  you register and attend the first Live Webinar  


1. Your Digital Marketing Foundation - Designing for Conversions

Online Marketing otherwise known as Internet or Digital Marketing, is introduced in comparison to more "traditional" marketing techniques.

Does Online Marketing work? Can it be used effectively for all business types? Can I employ these techniques successfully?

The answers to these questions are a categorical yes but unfortunately obtaining tried and tested practical understanding and straight forward techniques to exploit the opportunities in the digital space are extremely difficult and not relevant to day to day business needs.

The main practical methods are introduced, the importance of marketing goals and alignment with business and sales requirements are also discussed.

Finally, some common misconceptions and buzzwords are dispelled while critical but simple online marketing rules are presented.

2. eCommerce - Converting 101

One of the many great things about online revenue generation is that it is instant. If a customer wants to buy something immediately, there are many technology and payment services there to facilitate this for business owners. Nonetheless, online marketers have to consider their particular markets and the client journeys to facilitate maximum percentage returns through their particular web assets.

This has to be launched in a smart way so that the promoter is in a position to monitor the performance of their eCommerce strategies and methodologies. In this eCommerce lesson we take a look at what is required to make your website have a sales optimised structure before you spend time, money and effort acquiring customers.

3. Web Development & Design

Images and graphics are critical to achieve success with marketing goals. However, there are some very common pitfalls that are all too often not known, forgotten or even ignored.

Are the images consistent with marketing objectives, are they of the right size in both dimensions and file weight? Do we know what colours drive user action in the online arena? Are "flashy graphics" good or bad? Do your images work on all devices?

In this lesson, a practical guide is presented that starts with defining web design to how to create and amend basic images using commonly used web design software. We also consider images being viewed across multiple devices, the use of responsive web design principles, image optimisation and design goals.

Also without understanding the very basics of how web pages are physically constructed and hosted, the Online Marketer is it a serious disadvantage. Web editing software and hosting software are also introduced and shown how to employ in a practical sense. Finally, working with developers & programme managers to get your website or online marketing objectives achieved is also taught.

4. Pay per Click Advertising (PPC) - Acquiring the Right Leads for Less

In the old days the marketer would put ads on billboards, TV, radio and other traditional media to build "brand awareness" with unclear ideas in relation to return on investment (ROI). With the advent of online advertising and particularly pay per click (PPC), we now have the tools to spend only on what delivers results beyond the click and through to the sale or other objectives

In this lesson, we show the online marketer how to set PPC goals, how to choose and use search keywords in the pay per click campaign, how to write search ads, how to employ suitable geographic targeting, how to use ad frequency capping, exploit re-marketing along with the importance of Relevance and Quality Scoring.

Display advertising and Cost Per Thousand (CPM) are also evaluated in the context of a successful PPC campaign.

A lot to get through but worth the effort!

5. More For Less - Online Affiliate Marketing Made Easy - Acquiring Leads Risk Free

Online Affiliate Marketing is often overlooked by smaller businesses in the broader context of Online Marketing. However, it is a multi-billion €/$/£ process that is successfully used by companies of all sizes.

What is it? It is another way of saying partner business development. How do we use it online?

In this lesson we introduce Cost per Acquisition (CPA) methods to only pay for paying customers introduced by partners. We compare this to other partner incentives including Cost per Lead (CPL), Cost per Click (CPC) and the older Cost per thousand (CPM) incentives.

Setting up your partner platform to attract suitable partners, working with partner networks and being an attractive partner are also presented in a practical sense.

Once this module is completed, all students will understand the power of partner referrals and how to get started.

6. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - Acquiring Leads Long Term

Search Engine Optimisation is simply the science and art of getting your web presence to appear higher on search engine results pages. For example, you may want your product or service to appear on page 1 of Google in your country when someone searches for that product or service.

So what can we do to achieve this? Are there any magic bullets?

The answer to the former is "quite a lot" and the latter is "Unfortunately, no".

In this lesson we introduce "On-Site" optimisation that looks at aspects of your web presence that includes, meta-tags, header tags, keyword densities and suitable website development techniques.

The "black hat" techniques are dispelled and "Off-Site" techniques such as "back linking" are also evaluated.

Some common Dos and Don'ts are highlighted with the Ultimate Rule of SEO explained in a common sense way regardless of your level of experience

7. Converting More for Less (includes Email Marketing)

How do you automate mass lead acquisition? How do you ensure that the customer experience is optimised for the individual? How do you nurture your leads? In an online context people are much more sceptical and have less loyalty. So how do gain this trust so that you maximise your sales conversions? This is where mass tailored communications and marketing automation become absolutely crucial to ensure that maximum returns are achieved, that in turn propels further business growth.

8. DataDriven Marketing and Sales for Maximum Return

Data drives everything you do in Digital Marketing and Digital Sales. Data Determines Decisions. Data Dictates Spend. Data Drives Sales. Here we delve into analytics to maximise your return on investment and track your success.

Do you know how much you can spend to acquire a client? Do you know your cost per acquisition and all subsets of this including CPL, CPC and even CPM? Do you know your average revenue per lead? Do you know your average revenue per user?

Here we get under our hood to look at how we have been successful at digital sales conversions in many industries and how this data driven digital marketing will change the way you do business

9. Social Marketing and ORM - Closing and Acquiring All At Once

We all have a view on social websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and even Google Plus. Love them or hate them, they are here to stay. But if you are a disbeliever, you cannot argue with their sheer size. For instance, Facebook has over 1 billion users and 1 million advertisers. This is just the tip of the iceberg and the potential is truly limitless.

In this lesson we look at how businesses can maximise the opportunities of effectively using social web assets across multiple providers. How to build social assets is shown but also how to keep them relevant and updated without overloading valuable and scarce business resources. Software that can assist with this is also presented

Forums and Online Reputation Management (ORM) is also discussed. How to deal with negative reviews on online forums and build a platform for dealing with rogue and valid negative reviews are also presented.

A must for anyone aiming to impact on business marketing in the 21st Century.

10. Your Strategy - Building a Platform for Success

Developing a structured and workable digital marketing strategy is crucial to achieve the successful realisation of your business goals.

In this session we combine all what we have learnt in the previous modules and discuss the next steps and practicalities of employing the knowledge you have gained for the benefit of you, your career, and your business.
*On demand lessons will be pre-recorded and will be made available at a later date.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I participate in the live webinars and access the recordings?

You can participate using your own computer via the internet, both Windows and Mac devices will surfice.

You can access recordings via your student log in area found in menu tab.

Live lessons are not essential in order to pass diploma courses. You can view the recordings in your own time.

What is the duration of one webinar?

It lasts approximately 1 hour, not including questions and answers at the end of the live sessions.

What if I miss the lecture? Will I be able to catch up?

That's no problem. We also record each lecture as we broadcast them. We make these videos available to you within 24 hours of each lecture concluding and you will have unlimited access to the videos for up to 12 days after the entire course has been completed.

Are there any assignments?

We provide you with weekly quizzes in order to self-assess your progress. These are completely voluntary and a fantastic revision tool. Only live courses have weekly quizzes.

Upon course completion a final assignment will be made available. There is a €5 administration charge for non-members to complete the final assignment and receive the certificate. All certificates are free for members.