Revision: 349e289
Visions Technology in Education
Product ID: 1494865 | Mfg Part #: 79114
Retail $34.95
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Explore Calc’s unique capabilities and give students an experience that provides them with skills for a lifetime.

Lessons contain a teacher’s page, planning page, and step-by-step student instructions. The teacher’s page includes objectives, a quick grade-level appropriate guide, vocabulary utilized in the activity, and the filename of a completed sample lesson. Student planning pages are available for lessons that require pre-computer time student preparation. The easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions are broken down by Microsoft version and limited in most cases to two pages for easy copying and distribution to students.

More than a math tool!
The dice roller board game, scavenger hunt, crossword puzzle, graphs, and more are applicable to multiple curriculum areas.

Calc can do that!
Use some of Calc’s little-know capabilities to generate number lines, find greatest common factors and least common multiples, convert Arabic numbers to Roman numerals, and more.

Topics for all curriculum areas:

  • Graphs
  • Plotting a picture
  • Dice roller game
  • Frequency tables
  • Crossword puzzles
  • Mad libs
  • Bingo cards
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Calendar
  • Budget
  • Linkables
  • Using as a database